What is Lowering the Noise Floor

  • Posted on 9 October 2024
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Lowering the Noise Floor

Since 1968, Martins HiFi has been dedicated to helping audio enthusiasts achieve the purest possible listening experience. A key aspect of this is lowering the noise floor, a concept that applies to both the mechanical and electrical domains. This guide explores proven solutions to achieve this goal, ensuring your audio equipment delivers its full potential.

Understanding the Noise Floor

The noise floor refers to unwanted electrical and mechanical interference that can compromise the integrity of your audio signal. Minimizing this interference allows your equipment to operate at its best, resulting in cleaner, more detailed sound.

Power Delivery: The Foundation of Audio Performance

The journey to a lower noise floor begins with the power supply. Ideally, a dedicated mains feed offers the cleanest power source. However, this isn't always practical. Distribution blocks and power conditioners can offer some improvement, but careful selection and auditioning are crucial.

Optimising Your Mains Outlets

Replacing standard UK outlets with high-quality aftermarket options can improve construction, materials, and connectivity, potentially enhancing instantaneous power delivery and reducing noise. Ensure the aftermarket plugs match the socket brand for consistent material properties.

The Importance of Power Cables

Effective power transfer is paramount. Look for well-made power cables designed to deliver instantaneous current efficiently. These cables should also minimize noise induction and transmission, both into the audio equipment and back onto the mains.

Entreq: A Leader in Power Management

We recommend Entreq, a renowned brand known for its commitment to consistent construction principles and high-quality materials in their power cables. This consistency creates a stable foundation for optimal performance.

Ground Control: The Power of Grounding

Proper system grounding has become increasingly recognized as a key strategy for noise reduction. Entreq, a pioneer in this area, offers a range of grounding solutions designed to isolate and remove unwanted noise from your system.

Entreq Grounding Solutions: Unlocking Musical Potential

By applying an Entreq Ground Box and Ertha cable (connected via an RCA, XLR, USB, or RJ45 socket) to a single component, you can experience a dramatic improvement in sound quality. A quieter noise floor translates to better musical flow, a sense of calm, and overall enhanced listening pleasure.

Entreq Grounding: A Customised Approach

Entreq offers a variety of grounding products to cater to the specific needs of each system. Our extensive experience allows us to guide you in selecting the optimal solution for your setup. Crucially, we recommend a step-by-step approach to grounding, ensuring you avoid over-dampening the system and compromising musicality.

Interconnects and the Grounding Puzzle

The interconnects connecting your system components also introduce grounding issues. Finding the most effective grounding point within your system is essential for achieving the best results.

Your Trusted Partner in Audio Optimisation

At Martins HiFi, we share your passion for pure audio. Our expert team can guide you through the process of lowering your noise floor and achieving the audio experience you deserve.

Mechanical Treatments

Lowering the Noise Floor: Isolation or Damping?

Isolation, rather than pure damping, is our fundamental position regarding mitigating mechanical/physical-electrical transference of energy. The lowering or negating of this particular part of the noise floor is crucial, especially when it comes to the audio components themselves.  

True Isolation

Achieving true isolation requires a product that is free from direct connection to the surface it sits on while also having the ability to filter vibrations between the supported product and the surface. This breaks the feedback loop, effectively creating a one-way diode.

The World of Stillpoints

Stillpoints products excel at this type of isolation, offering exceptional performance and minimal acoustic fingerprint. However, it's important to note that they may not be suitable for all systems or listening preferences.

Mechanical Decoupling or Coupling

There are various approaches to mechanical decoupling or coupling, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. The key is to find the solution that best suits your individual system and listening preferences.

Minimising Internal and External Effects

Controlling both internally and externally generated vibrations and distortions is crucial for achieving a purer audio signal. Look for products that can effectively isolate your components and minimize the transfer of these unwanted effects.

The Importance of Acoustics

Acoustics play a significant role in the overall sound quality of your system. Even with the best equipment, a poorly treated room can introduce distortions and hinder your listening experience.

Acoustic Treatment Solutions

Consider investing in acoustic treatments to address issues like reflections, resonances, and standing waves. Products like Acustica Applicata and Stillpoints Aperture 2 can help you optimize your room's acoustics for a more immersive listening experience.

The Pursuit of Audio Excellence

Lowering the noise floor is a multifaceted endeavor that requires attention to both electrical and mechanical factors. By following the strategies outlined in this guide and seeking expert advice from Martins HiFi, you can significantly enhance the performance of your audio system and achieve a truly exceptional listening experience.

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