Cyrus XR Event 2020: Thanks to everyone

  • Posted on 16 December 2020
  • - Posted in | Events

We would just like to thank our customers for taking the time to come and visit us over the weekend. A big thank you to Jason Saxon from Cyrus, who brought us the Brand new Cyrus XR series to play with. This was the XR's first public outing and it did not disappoint us.

During the 'one on one' sessions, Jason demonstrated the XR products - Using the brand new CDI-XR, we compared the two all-new integrated amplifiers, I7-XR (52wpc) and I9-XR (91wpc):

I7-XR - We were immediately impressed with how refined the amplifier sounded. We spent 20 minutes playing with the filter settings on the DAC, settling on the Appodising Filter. The noise floor was impressively low, allowing music to sound free of the loudspeakers, sound appearing to come from both between and wider than the loudspeakers, vocals were very well defined, having a good 'high' position within the soundstage.

Comparing the Analogue and Digital inputs made for further fun. There is no difference in the DAC between CDi-XR and I7-XR means it is an easy choice to save money and purchase the CDT-XR (if being purchased with the amplifier). There were some subtle changes in presentation, but consistently very good on both analogue and digital inputs.

I9-XR - It's bigger power supply brings additional power and control. You get the same tonal balance with additional weight and solidity which underpins the music, which gets our foot tapping - A good upgrade over the I7.

We moved up to the PRE-XR / Stereo 200 - Another very impressive jump in performance was evident. Having the DAC separated from the power amp stage free's the whole sound up. Added to the additional power from the Stereo 200, a very impressive, extremely competitive combination. 

We are looking forward to hearing what the new PSU-XR will bring, ETA January. A new XR-Streamer and XR-Power Amplifiers will follow later in 2021.

All were in agreement, the new Cyrus XR sound is very impressive. It is a clear step forward for Cyrus - very impressed.

Cyrus website

Cyrus XR Collection at Martins Hi-Fi 


To book your Cyrus XR demonstration please contact us.

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Cyrus XR Collection